The sky is changing.
Getting darker — a slice is coming out of the sun.
My cousins in the dog tribe are barking now.
We coyotes are watching human people
during what they call an eclipse.
Their science people talk about a solar system
and the position of the earth, the moon, and the sun.
Some native peoples talk about giant bats
covering the sun, others about dragons taking a bite out of it,
or a frog swallowing the sun,
and still others the rebirth of creation –
All voices speaking in braided tones
of varied moods of solemnity, fear, and celebration.
My coyote vision draws on all of these.
I think darkness is mating with the light,
dark being wrapped and clenched by light.
The mating of light and dark is needed
to give birth to new days and nights.
The coming together of light and dark,
day and night also excites me.
These are the times usually called dawn and twilight,
the times when I like to hunt and dine.
It is the time rabbits come out to play.
And you know I have a special bond with rabbits.
Now the dark is joining with and
covering even more of the light.
I feel an ancient urge flow into my bones
and tickle my throat.
I will celebrate this eclipse in exaltation.
Join me in a deep
howl, Howl, HOOOWL!
Poems from the Rainbow’s Bow
©Robert J Weber
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