This has been an extremely challenging month, as you might guess. My projects try to keep me focused, but there aren’t successful. I am finishing up producing a poetry book, and prepping Shadow & Light Magazine for release. Wait! Is that this Friday? Oh, well. For those of you who are subscribers, you know I will produce. My only thought, at this time is that it no longer serves us to hide behind what we do. We need to be out front. Our collective voices need to be heard. For me, that means continued posting with images that may serve to reflect our times. This image, “Veiled,” reflects what may happen if we remain silent. We must not be silenced!
I am not a toll
I am not an experiment
I am not an object
I am your daughter
I am you partner
I am your wife
I am your mother.
My life is not yours
My body is not yours
I am not yours
I am mine
Always and forever
I am mine.
No matter the circumstance
No matter the incumbent
No matter the elected
No matter the ambiguity
Always and forever
There are only five words
That matter…
My body is not yours!
©Tim Anderson