One-2-One Coaching:
Most people need guidance. Most people would like to have a kind of road-map on how to get from here to there without spending thousands of dollars to get there. I can help. For only $450 you will receive my undivided attention on your creative passion. You receive six one-hour sessions of One-2-One Coaching, to fit into your schedule.

Learn to see with a different eye

Too many times people continue making photographs without knowing how to “see.” After they view their work they continue to wonder what went wrong. I can help! With my undivided attention to your success, I will teach you how to see with a different eye.

If you are interested, or have any questions, just let me know ( and we will get together (online or in person) for a free session to see where you are in your photography, and where you want to go.

In essence that means you will receive seven sessions for the price of six!

Please click on “About” to find out more about me.

Person to person coaching, online. Six one-hour sessions for only $450!

Please click the PayPal button to pay:



If you are a previous student of mine, click here for a very special price!