The dawn of a new era…
With the introduction of this page you will be able to keep up with my creative pursuits, whether that be photography, poetry, writing, etc. You will be able to be here from beginning to end. You will be able to see beginnings, process and progress, failures, and a few successes.
Most of you know that in order for the few successes there needs to be a few failures as well. I know I have certainly had my share, mostly because of my lack of research, focus, anxieties, minimal confidence, and at a couple of times I was about two years too soon with a couple of my projects.
First off I would like to introduce you to my new logo for Tim Anderson Studio (below, front-L-and back). I say “new,” but it’s a first! Nope. Never had one. What do you think of it? Timmy really likes it! But then that’s just me. A while ago whenever someone mentioned a square card I cringed. But, this is the 21st Century, folks. I have gotten over the square thing!
For too many years I have not been paying much attention to this side of my spectrum. Since I began this whole creative thing more than a few years ago, it was just my name. Now, as we slide ever so cautiously into 2021, especially since it’s spring, it is time to come out from behind the curtain. The logo is something for which I have given a lot of thought and consideration over the years, but none had ever grabbed me.
Don’t worry, I won’t be posting 1,000 word essays or or even 500 word eloquent thoughts for you to consider. Most posts will barely reach a 250 word threshold. The point is to offer a few points for your consideration.
If you have something in mind you would either like me to comment on or do some research for, just let me know. If you like the card (or not) let me know.